November 6 General Meeting

November 6 General Meeting

Forums Calendar Events November 6 General Meeting

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  • Author
    • #4032 Reply
      Bill Reitz

        The address is 26495 Ynez Rd, Temecula

      • #4182 Reply
        John Crittenden

          Here is the route Jessie has for the ride following the breakfast/meeting!
          Thanks, Jessie (and Bill R.).

        • #4223 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Just a reminder…. daylight savings time ENDS on Sunday Nov 6th. Set clocks BACK one hour on Saturday night, don’t be late to the meeting cause you forgot.

          • #4259 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              Here’s a heads up… the 91 freeway will be under weekend construction starting Friday night Nov 4th, that means this weekend (Sunday General Meeting) you will be re-routed.I saw the freeway sign as I was on the 405 today.

            • #4267 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                A big thanks to Jessie for setting up breakfast today at the Broken Yolk. They took good care of us and the food was good.

              • #4271 Reply
                Mark Borgeson

                  Nice ride Jessie. Too bad you couldn’t make it. Thanks!

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