New Member- TC

New Member- TC

Forums General New Member- TC

  • Creator
  • #907 Reply

      Greetings…..I just wanted to introduce myself as a new member. I’m Tom Cawein (pronounced Kaw-Wine) with a nickname of TC. I’ve been riding for over 30 years with the first 25 on Yamaha’s. I then ventured out with a Moto Guzzi Stelvio, followed by a Ducati Multistrada GT (which I still have but will probably sell) and finally sold my soul for my neighbors H-D Electra Glide (ughh, too big and heavy). I got smart and traded in the Harley for a 2015 R1200GS in late November. Man, what a bike…soon becoming my all time favorite. I also have some Vespa scooters so that’s how I met Erasmo. I work at GE Capital financing motorcycle dealers. Looking forward to some fun rides…..Cheers TC

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    • Author
      • #909 Reply
        John Crittenden

          Welcome, TC! Will you be making the ride this Saturday? I believe Erasmo is.

          And when you get a chance, put a photo in place of that Smiley Face, unless that is you!

        • #910 Reply
          Richard Catarineau

            John – actually, this is a new member that went directly to the new site. I sent him this. His email is [email protected]. He’ll need to become a member the old way.

            Hi Tom,

            Welcome to the club. However, you reached our site under development. The credit card function is turned off so you aren’t charged. How did you get to our site?

            The real current site is

            Let me know and we’ll get you set up with membership.

          • #911 Reply

              I think I’m good Rick. Please check your email you sent me on 1/5 welcoming me. I applied/paid in Dec. via the old site instructions. I got to this site and followed the instructions via the newsletter. I do need to get rid of the smiley face! I’ll be on the ride Saturday.

            • #912 Reply
              Richard Catarineau

                Tom, right, now I remember you. We’re all good then. See you Sat!

              • #914 Reply

                  Cool….Smiley face gone….Pic from my company ID replaced it. It’s a few years old so I need to update it sometime down the road…haha. See you Saturday.

                • #919 Reply
                  Paul Nelson

                    Welcome Tom, I’m looking forward to meeting you. Cya soon, Paul Nelson

                  • #928 Reply

                      It was great to meet so many SC BMW RC members yesterday on the “Rock Inn” ride. Thanks for being so gracious and welcoming. See you down the road! TC (Tom)

                    • #930 Reply
                      Dale Sprosty

                        Glad you could join the ride Tom. Yopu fit right in


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