New Member Steve Hughson

New Member Steve Hughson

Forums General New Member Steve Hughson

  • Creator
  • #3884 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Will the South Coasters welcome new member Steve Hughson to our esteemed ranks!
      Let me be the first or second, Steve, to say Howdy! Can you reply to this topic and give us a little info on yourself?
      And, when will we meet you? Check the Calendar for General Meetings and Rides upcoming in the next 3 months!

    Viewing 3 reply threads
    • Author
      • #3898 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Welcome Steve, look forward to riding with you!

        • #3900 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Hiya Steve. You’ve come to the right Club for BMW riders.

          • #3907 Reply
            Dale Sprosty

              I published this several weeks ago. Here was Steve’s reply to that very question John.

              Bikes I’ve owned: Dirt DRZ400 then KTM450. Street “1999” BMW LT (beast), “2004” BMW 1150, Currently “2005” 1200RT

              Ø Memorable rides: I like distance riding. My parents used to live in Sedona and I would ride out there frequently to see them. I once was with friends up in Mammoth with my DRZ Dirt Bike. I got bored with dirt and took off up 395 for a day ride and ended up in Lake Tahoe for a late lunch and a cold ride home. But a great ride!

              Ø I am a solo rider with a great wife who is very willing to meet me in a resort and at group gatherings (not willing to sit on the back of a bike for hours)

              Ø Life is an adventure. I surf, sail, scuba dive, mountain climb, Snow Ski ,and used to bicycle race.

            • #3910 Reply
              John Crittenden

                Thanks, Dale. Brain fart. But never hurts, does it?

            Viewing 3 reply threads
            Reply To: New Member Steve Hughson

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