New Garmin Map Update Available

New Garmin Map Update Available

Forums General New Garmin Map Update Available

  • Creator
  • #8107 Reply
    Bill Reitz

      When you Sierra Pass riders return the download for 2019.20 is ready for you. It’s 4.02 gigs

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    • Author
      • #8134 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Bill, what do you/we get with each upgrade, just new road information or any new features? Thanks for keeping us updated on this!

        • #8135 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Most map updates are new Points Of Interest or Roads however the 2019.11 update (the one before this) corrected errors in the 2019.10 update. If users find errors in roads or other areas they can send a report to Garmin and the error or omission will be corrected with the next release.

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