National Park Service Free Entrance Days

National Park Service Free Entrance Days

Forums General National Park Service Free Entrance Days

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  • #1299 Reply
    Bill Reitz

      2016 marks the 100th anniversary, below are the fee free days. The Club may want to remember these dates when setting up rides.

      Fee-Free Days for 2016
      Mark your calendars for the following upcoming entrance fee-free days this year! The following days are free-entry days at all national parks unless otherwise noted:
      April 16-24, 2016 – National Park Week
      June 4, 2016 – National Trails Day (free only at Sequoia and Kings Canyon NPs)
      June 18, 2016 – A Day Honoring Buffalo Soldiers (free only at Sequoia and Kings Canyon NPs)
      August 25-28, 2016 – National Park Service Birthday
      September 24, 2016 – National Public Lands Day
      November 11, 2016 – Veterans Day
      December 11, 2016 – Trek to the Nation’s Christmas Tree (free only at Sequoia and Kings Canyon NPs)

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    • Author
      • #1302 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Wow, did not know there were that many, is that only because of the 100th or is this typical?

        • #1304 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            There are usually a few free days a year, like Veteran’s Day & Park Service Bday but the 100th definitely added some more free days.

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