Mt. Laguna Weekned – Bring Raffle Items

Mt. Laguna Weekned – Bring Raffle Items

Forums Calendar Events Mt. Laguna Weekned – Bring Raffle Items

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  • #3098 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      I will have the pleasure of running the raffle at this event and YOU have the opportunity to enhance it! We have several items currently on the raffle list, but we would like MORE! SO, if you have something others would like, bike related or not, sitting around or go buy it, and bring it to the raffle. You will receive raffle tickets for your item donated based on it’s value!

      So let’s make this raffle great, bring your CASH for the raffle, your item to donate, and bring home good stuff!!

      We will be raffling off the items such that you can put your tickets towards a specific item, i.e. you don’t bring home something you do not want. After all the items are raffled off, ALL tickets will be put back in the bucket and will raffle off the CASH!

      So, run through your GOOD bike stuff, the store, and the ATM on the way to the event, and we will all win!

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