MOA Getaway – Los Osos, CA, July 24-26

MOA Getaway – Los Osos, CA, July 24-26

Forums General MOA Getaway – Los Osos, CA, July 24-26

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  • #12261 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Hey South Coasters!
      What will it be like by the end of July? Will we be mounting up and leaning into twisties? Will we be keeping our RTs six feet apart? Of course, we always want to keep the GSs apart from the RTs 🙂

      The Los Osos Getaway has been rescheduled from May, to the last weekend in July, 24-26. I just used my national rally refund/credit (plus 20%) to cover the cost of registration for the getaway. Anyone else going?

      The Wagners and I went to the one in Cambria last year. It was fun meeting people from all over; some come across the country to go to these events. At the Friday night dinner we met a couple from Texas and made quick plans for a Saturday ride. And joy, I caught up with them in Lebanon at the national rally! How cool, eh.

      Bonus: the event is limited in number of attendees so you are almost assured of winning a door prize!

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