CANCELLED May 7 General Meeting

CANCELLED May 7 General Meeting

Forums Calendar Events CANCELLED May 7 General Meeting

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    • #5286 Reply
      Bill Allen

        I plan to be there if it’s not raining. Can’t make the meetup spot by 8:30 (I have to drop Paris off at Play Group), but I’ll try to be at the restaurant before 10 am.

        See you there!

      • #5313 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Looking at the weather it looks pretty certain there is a weird cold and wet front coming in this weekend to the San Bernardino Mountains. Any audibles being considered, or are we bundling up and putting on the rain gear for one last “Winter” ride???

        • #5314 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Looking at the weather it looks pretty certain there is a weird cold and wet front coming in this weekend to the San Bernardino Mountains. Any audibles being considered, or are we bundling up and putting on the rain gear for one last “Winter” ride???

          • #5315 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              Oh Karl….. don’t you know we live in a desert where it seldom rains ? The weather man or woman is rarely right because predicting is a magic art. I suppose I could reroute us to another ice cream store.
              The last I heard rain is late Sunday into Monday.

            • #5316 Reply
              Bill Allen

                Rain or no rain, it doesn’t look like it will break 60 degrees.

                Unless the front re-routes, I’m out.

              • #5317 Reply
                Bill Reitz

                  OK we are NOT GOING to Oaks Restaurant in Angeles Oaks on May 7th. The forecast calls for snow/sleet at 5800′, that’s the restaurant elevation. I’m working on somewhere else so standby……

                • #5318 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    Thhaaaaannkkkk Yyooooyuuuu Bill!

                  • #5324 Reply
                    Bill Reitz

                      This ride / General Meeting is CANCELLED due to rain predicted all Sunday. Sorry folks.

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