March 2016 Newsletter

March 2016 Newsletter

Forums Newsletters March 2016 Newsletter

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    • #1414 Reply
      Rick as Board Member (test)

        Thanks Erasmo for another great newsletter.

        Regarding the “new site is coming” section, that’s a little outdated. The credit card membership is live now (we’ve already had a brand new member sign up).

        Attached is a Member’s Guide I’m working on.

      • #1428 Reply
        Larry Troffer

          Just when I thought I had the new website figured out, I cannot see a newsletter attachment here.

        • #1429 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            You’re not crazy Larry, it was there about an hour ago and I dloaded it. Someone deleted it, maybe to fix a part that Rick said was out of date ???

          • #1430 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              I saw it after Bill commented on it, tried it download it also, but it was not there. Thought I would try again this morning. K

            • #1432 Reply
              Richard Catarineau

                As fate would have it, I turned off the tracking because I didn’t want to see those “no purpose” log lines in the posts, so now we will never know who deleted the newsletter. 🙁

                (But it could only have been a Board Member)

              • #1435 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  I must have accidentally deleted it when I tried to download it on my phone and accidentally hit the delete button placed right next to the item to be deleted. My deepest apologies to you Rick C and anyone else inconvenienced. Erasmo, please re-attach.

                • #1438 Reply
                  Erasmo Brenes

                    Once again. Here it is.

                  • #1440 Reply
                    Erasmo Brenes


                      Send me an updated article and I’ll add it to the next newsletter.

                    • #1441 Reply
                      Rick as Board Member (test)

                        Erasmo – I emailed it to you.

                        Karl (and others) – You don’t need to download the newsletter anymore. You just click and view online.

                      • #1442 Reply
                        Dale Sprosty

                          Great newsletter Erasmo. Just found out today that Lawrence Fishburn (Hollywood actor) just bought my 1994 R1100rs from Irv Seaver. Hope he gets as much enjoyment out of it as I did.

                        • #1451 Reply
                          Karl Wagner

                            Thanks for putting together the pieces we sent you Erasmo. I know it came piecemeal! Great Job!

                          • #1475 Reply
                            John Crittenden

                              Thanks, again, Erasmo! for the “Karl Newletter” (thanks Karl for your writing of articles!)

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