June General Meeting: Mt Baldy Lodge Restaurant, June 3rd

June General Meeting: Mt Baldy Lodge Restaurant, June 3rd

Forums Calendar Events June General Meeting: Mt Baldy Lodge Restaurant, June 3rd

  • Creator
  • #19718 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Our June General Meeting will be held at the Mt Baldy Lodge Restaurant.  Meet at Irv Seavers at 8:00-8:30.  Get a cup of coffee, or get rid of a cup of coffee, visit the Flattrack Cafe for the jalapeno breakfast sandwich, slap some backs and be ready for a KSU (kick stands up) departure at 9:00.  It’s 1.5 hours to MBL.  Our route takes us north on the 57 to Glendora.  Last October we went 210 west and exited at Azusa Ave and up the canyon.  This time we’ll traverse Gendora neighborhoods on our way to Glendora Mountain Rd,  then pick up to Glendora Ridge Rd east to Mt Baldy.  Sign up on the Event Page at this link!

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    • Author
      • #19744 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Hi South Coasters,

          Things are shaping up for a great ride and meeting at Mt Baldy Lodge Restaurant.  They’ll seat us together outside on the patio.  Please sign up on the event page so that I can get a good count!


        • #19758 Reply
          Eric Wolf

            If you are planning to go, PLEASE sign up so that I have a good count.

          • #19768 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              Hi All,

              Pete R. will be leading the group from Irv Seavers to MBL. He will post the gpx files momentarily.

              Reminder that KSU is at 9:00, so show up early for a cup of Joe from the Flat Track Cafe’.

            • #19769 Reply
              Pete Rissman

                Hiya Riders!

                Here’s the GPX file for the ride this coming Saturday from Irv Seaver BMW to Mount Baldy lodge. The ride summary is up the 57 Freeway to Glendora where we will wind our way up the Glendora Mountain Road to the Glendora Ridge Road to Mount Baldy Road to the Mount Baldy Lodge. The Glendora Mountain Road offers some fairly technical low-speed twisties where you can hone your cornering skills, and the entire route through the hills should be in bloom and quite colorful.

                As Eric already mentioned, KSU will be at 9:00 sharp which means our pre-ride briefing will be at 8:45 am. See you there!

              • #19771 Reply
                Pete Rissman

                  Just for grins, here is a small sampling of the photos I took on Glendora Mountain and Ridge Roads in June 2019.

                • #19780 Reply
                  Paul Kirch

                    Hello Eric

                    I would like to attend the General meeting this saturday June 3. See you there

                    Paul Kirch

                  • #19781 Reply
                    Eric Wolf

                      Oh my gosh!  I just pre-rode Glendora Mountain and Ridge Roads.

                      (The things I do for this club   😀 ……………)

                      If you are not signed up for our General Meeting and ride on Saturday, slap yourself, stop reading, and hover over the “Event Calendar” link above.  Click on the June 3rd event and sign up!  The tarmac is as crappy as ever but the wildflowers are amazing.  If you’ve never been on GMR it is one of the greater LA area bucket list rides.  Beginning at 1,000 ft, you climb to over 4,200 feet and then hover up and down at that level, skimming west to east along ridge with breathtaking views down on the San Gabriel Valley.  If that weren’t enough, when you finish the ride you get to have lunch with me… or rather all of your other good friends.

                      The weather today was a bit soupy as you can see from these shots but, look at those flowers.

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