Julian Adventure Rally – Early registration open now!

Julian Adventure Rally – Early registration open now!

Forums Calendar Events Julian Adventure Rally – Early registration open now!

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  • #22888 Reply
    Ryan Gersbacher

      Early bird registration for our October/Nov event is now open. You can save $25 if you register now. I signed up for just the event (no food) with the team name of “SCBMW Dirt Riders”. I did this event last year 100% on road with an RT. This year I plan to do a little offroad as well. We can have several teams based on ride preferences. I will be reserving several campsites for us to share, so no need to sign up for their camping option.  This is a very fun event, I highly recommend attending if you can!


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      • #22889 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Thanks Ryan!

          Yeah, I second that it is a super well organized and fun event.  Think piers ride challenge but the points of interest that you check off are things like Salvation Mountain, a railroad trestle bridge, and the Republic of Slowjamistan!

          I’m signing up for with Ryan’s “Dirt Riders” but it would be great to also have a “Tarmac Riders” team.

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