Julian ADV Rally – 11/7-10/19

Julian ADV Rally – 11/7-10/19

Forums Rides Julian ADV Rally – 11/7-10/19

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  • #11345 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      If any last minute riders want to come out for this rally, or just get away to hang out in the desert and ride pavement or dirt in desert. We have a campsite available for a two more tent tents. Here is a link for the rally, https://www.advrally.com/
      We are riding out Friday early afternoon, may pick up a bit of offroad on the way out, depending on time. If interested in heading out together shoot me a note and we can set up a meet up locaiton.
      Friday and Saturday there is a 3 hour ADV class we are taking on Saturday. The instructor is was teaching at the BMW offroad acadamy I believe. Hope to add some to our foundation of knowledge. YOu would need to register in advance for this class. Here is the link:
      We will not be able to do the Rally course due to time limitations, but after the class will be checking out some of hte desert or up to Laguna Mountains.

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