Joshua Tree NP Day Ride – Sat, 2/26/2022

Joshua Tree NP Day Ride – Sat, 2/26/2022

Forums Calendar Events Joshua Tree NP Day Ride – Sat, 2/26/2022

  • Creator
  • #15103 Reply
    Ron Zablocki

      This ride has now been rescheduled for 2/26===all else is the same (except hopefully for the wind!)
      John C.

    Viewing 22 reply threads
    • Author
      • #15090 Reply
        John Crittenden

          Okay, finally!   Here is my proposed route.   There’s a couple of stops before we hit the south entrance to the Park.    Not sure if you’ll need a NP pass from the south, but I’m bringing mine.

          If you don’t bring a lunch from home, I’m sure the Pilot Travel Center will have some eats and drinks to go.

          If you are going to be a little late getting to Flo’s, text me (909) 239-6305, and we’ll wait a bit!

          Link to Calendar EventJoshua Tree NP Day Ride

        • #15105 Reply
          Pete Rissman

            FYI, the westbound 91 Freeway will be closed all weekend from McKinley to Main and those streets bracket the I-15 interchange. The reports I’ve read say there will also be lanes closed on the eastbound side, but it won’t be completely closed. I don’t know if or how that will affect the ride because I haven’t seen any kind of route yet, but we need to plan accordingly.

          • #15108 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Ron, I had posted this with a forum topic, but I merged them now.

              The 91 closure should not affect our route very much, if at all, other than overflow on other freeways. Especially if we leave by 9-9:30.

            • #15111 Reply
              John Crittenden

                There is a high wind warning in effect until 6pm Saturday. I personally am not keen on riding in that desert area with that kind of wind. We can still meet at Flo’s and I will have an alternate ride if desired.

                • #15112 Reply
                  Ron Zablocki

                    Did you already have an alternate route in mind? If so, can you post it?

                • #15113 Reply
                  Pete Rissman

                    I looked at the wind forecast at a bunch of locations along the published route and the highest forecasts I saw were 20-25MPH winds with 39-42mph gusts; mostly along SR-62 through Morongo and Yucca Valleys and the N side of Joshua Tree NP. The forecasts were 8-10mph lower down on I-10 and 60. Peak winds are from 11am-1pm and the winds will be out of the North.

                    The info was from the Dark Sky app on my iPhone and the NOAA/NWS website; both of which have been pretty accurate when I’ve used them.

                    And I agree with John: Riding an RT through crosswinds like that doesn’t appeal to me. I’ve done it before and only thought it was fun for a mile or 2.

                  • #15114 Reply
                    John Crittenden

                      I’ve seen gusts of up to 65 mph predicted. It’s gonna be windy pretty much everywhere. I guess we’ll see what it looks like in the morning.

                    • #15115 Reply
                      Pete Rissman

                        Nope. Or as they say in Berlin, Nein

                        Chino Airport is reporting 33mph wind with 51mph gusts over the last hour. Here in Costa Mesa I have 3 unidentified trash cans in my yard this morning and there’s a large tree branch partially blocking the street out front.

                        Not my idea of good riding conditions, so I’m going to take a pass on this one.

                      • #15116 Reply
                        Ron Zablocki

                          We’re here along with a few others. The wind is pretty heavy, so I doubt there will be a ride after.

                        • #15117 Reply
                          Sergio Collazo

                            This sucks. I got my bike service completed and was seriously looking forward to today.

                            Wind was a little rough this morning and then I got a dose of what they mean when they say “Wind gusts up to __mph”

                            I tried to make it to Flo’s this morning and a wind gust blew me sideways three lanes into the shoulder on the 241 going downhill as I approached the 91. I had to stop and hang on tight with feet firmly planted on the ground to avoid getting toppled over. I waited for a break in the gusts and then rode the shoulder on first gear with my hazard lights till I got to the 91 and rode back home.

                            It was a prayerful experience. Its a good day for tea, a walk or whatever but not on 2 wheels.

                          • #15118 Reply
                            John Crittenden

                              Glad you made it back home, Sergio. I was really looking forward to the ride also. We’ll re-calendar it.

                            • #15131 Reply
                              John Crittenden

                                Ride has been rescheduled for 2/26.

                              • #15134 Reply
                                Steve Leo


                                  the Calendar shows the Joshua Tree NP ride on Saturday, February 26 – you said February 27 above. Can you please clarify?

                                • #15136 Reply
                                  Bill Reitz

                                    Steve I checked with John and the ride is the 26th, Saturday.

                                  • #15228 Reply
                                    Ron Zablocki

                                      Are we still planning on the same route?

                                    • #15241 Reply
                                      John Crittenden

                                        The weather (and wind) looks food for Saturday. Same route, etc. See you there!

                                      • #15242 Reply
                                        Leon Franco

                                          What time is everybody meeting at flo’s on Saturday?

                                        • #15246 Reply
                                          howard Bland

                                            Howard Bland is riding on this trip. Thanks

                                          • #15247 Reply
                                            John Crittenden

                                              We leave Flo’s by about 9 or so.

                                            • #15260 Reply
                                              John Crittenden

                                                Good ride! Please send me any photos you would like me to include in the Newsletter.

                                              • #15262 Reply
                                                Ron Zablocki

                                                  A nice ride, thanks John!
                                                  385 round-trip miles for me.

                                                • #15263 Reply
                                                  Ed Taylor

                                                    Beautiful weather and a nice ride to JT. Thanks for leading.. Is JT always that crowded?

                                                  • #15292 Reply
                                                    John Crittenden

                                                      Actually, the crowds were not as bad as I thought they might be! Popular NP!

                                                    • #15295 Reply
                                                      Ed Taylor

                                                        My first and not hopefully not last time in JT. Its so close I never think of JT as a NP. Thanks for leading a good ride.

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