GPX Files for the Nov. 7th General Meeting

GPX Files for the Nov. 7th General Meeting

Forums Rides GPX Files for the Nov. 7th General Meeting

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    • #14954 Reply
      Ron Zablocki

        Hey John C – Do you have a route planned out from Panera Bread?

      • #14961 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          John won’t be at this meeting, going out of town. I posted that info on the Facebook page saying someone needs to step up and lead or everyone rides their own route. Look at my route and take the 210 north to the 118 west and then follow my route from McDonald’s in Moorpark.

          • #14962 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              I looked for that post and didn’t see anything about John not hosting the ride, and that another ride leader was needed for Panera.

              I can lead the route from Panera Bread if anyone else is going to show there. But if no one responds to being at Panera Bread – Bill, can you make a secondary meetup point/time a bit further up north?

          • #14964 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              Ron on the FB EVENTS page for this meeting, in the body of the description, I posted that John wouldn’t be there so another person would need to step up or everyone just rides their own route to Flight 126.
              I have a second stop at the Moorpark McDonald’s (501 New Los Angeles Ave.)to gather everyone before we climb into the mountains for the last 17 miles to the meeting.

            • #14970 Reply
              Pete Rissman

                Heads up:

                According to Google Maps, Old Ranch Parkway from Seal Beach Blvd to the westbound 22 onramp is closed until Dec 15th. It looks like the path of least resistance is to exit the Spaghettini parking lot eastbound on Old Ranch Parkway, cross over Seal Beach Blvd at the traffic light. and use the corkscrew onramp to westbound 22. That appears to still be open.

                See you tomorrow.

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