Google Maps Route Feature

Google Maps Route Feature

Forums General Google Maps Route Feature

  • Creator
  • #3376 Reply
    Bill Reitz

      Did you know that you can make a route in Maps ?? I just stumbled upon this feature today and it looks to work very well.
      On the map page:
      1) Set your destination
      2) In the upper right corner touch the three dots to open another menu.
      3) Touch ADD STOP
      4) Stops can be moved up or down the navigation list. You can choose from places you have saved or pick from the map.

      You can share your route directions too.

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    • Author
      • #3377 Reply
        Richard Catarineau

          Yep, great feature and you can save your routes on your desktop. The only problem is you can’t access them from an iPhone. So I share the link to myself in an email. Then you can open the route on the iPhone.

          And you can save a Tyre route in Google Maps (on the Tyre menu). That’s what I do for a backup, then email myself the Google map link so I can open it on my phone, just in case I lose my GPS (or I’m in Mexico where the Garmin is worse than useless).

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