General Meeting & Board Elections

General Meeting & Board Elections

Forums General General Meeting & Board Elections

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  • #2806 Reply

      Reminder that next month at the general meeting, there will also be a general election for selection of new board members for 2016-2017 term.

      Candidates   (Officers of the club)

      • President – John Crittenden
      • Vice President – Bill Reitz
      • Treasurer – Danny Wassenaar
      • Secretary – Karl Wagner

      Candidates   (Board members)

      • Tom White
      • Dale Sprosty
      • Erasmo Brenes
      • Don Cervantes – New member
      • Mark Borgeson

      Other involvements

      • Newsletter Editor – Erasmo Brenes
      • Membership – Dale Sprosty
      • Webmaster – Rick Catarineau
      • Facebook Publisher – Bill Reitz

      Click for event

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    • Author
      • #2837 Reply
        Richard Catarineau

          Since we have a “Facebook Publisher”, how about a “Club Photographer”? They could be in charge of posting photos to the website Gallery.

        • #2928 Reply

            Good idea Rick.

            • #3000 Reply
              Cindy Borgeson

                I could be the club photographer.

              • #3002 Reply
                Mark Borgeson

                  I guess I was impersonating Cindy. I can be the club photographer, not Cindy.

              • #2936 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  At the BOD and after the General Meeting there was some discussion about this role, it is a general member responsibility and club officers and volunteer roll definition. Something for the new board and anyone who wants to chip in to accomplish.

                  Not to hijack the topic, but the topic of club bylaws came up also, and it was asked if the new website can have the bylaws brought integrated, or if they are, a quick point the right direction.


                • #2937 Reply
                  Richard Catarineau

                    Sure, send me the bylaws and I will add them to the site.

                  • #2941 Reply
                    Bill Reitz

                      Rick the bylaws were on the old site but I suppose there is no way to retrieve them now. John C may have a copy as the Secretary ??

                    • #2953 Reply
                      Richard Catarineau

                        I have a backup of the old site. I sent the bylaws to John.

                      • #2981 Reply
                        Richard Catarineau

                          The Board Directory has been updated with the new officers.

                          All Hail King John!

                        • #2982 Reply
                          Bill Reitz

                            Hey Rick you missed a Board member. Don Cervantes is a new member who is on board.

                          • #2983 Reply
                            John Crittenden

                              I’ve emailed Don, as have not heard from him in several weeks, and he didn’t come to the General Meeting. Would rather not put on the Board until I find out what the haps is.

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