General Meeting 12/12/20

General Meeting 12/12/20

Forums Calendar Events General Meeting 12/12/20

  • Creator
  • #13369 Reply
    John Crittenden

      As we have had to cancel the annual Christmas Party (or if you prefer, reschedule to next December), we will go for having a General Meeting at Irv Seaver, 10 a.m.    We are also researching doing a ride following, very possibly a Charity Ride.

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    • Author
      • #13374 Reply
        Jacob Furgatch

          Maybe a toy drive and drop them off somewhere?

        • #13379 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Like the idea John and BOD. We are in!

          • #13391 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Irv Seaver will have a Toys for Tots bin again this year, and I ask that all that come to the General Meeting bring an unwrapped toy to contribute.

              The meeting will likely be outside the new showroom, due to current restrictions. Feel free to bring a chair!

              We will have a guest speaker about the last ride (Morro Bay), a 50/50 raffle, AND, if we have enough members present, we can do the vote on the ByLaw changes (if not, it will need to be done via Survey Monkey or similar.

              Following the meeting, there will be a ride to a lunch (not fully determined yet), but count on 100-150 miles, into mid afternoon.

              Hope to see you all there!

            • #13450 Reply
              Jacob Furgatch

                Given the change in COVID restrictions is the general meeting still happening?

                • #13451 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Jacob I was waiting for John to answer you but…. I contacted him also about the meeting so I could change it on Facebook if needed. He said the meeting will go on and Seaver has said they will be open and ready for us.

                • #13452 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    Yes, we’re a go, and will have a ride and lunch for those who wish to.

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