FREE MOA Membership Offe

FREE MOA Membership Offe

Forums General FREE MOA Membership Offe

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  • #22255 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Hi South Coasters,

      In case you didn’t see this announcement in the newsletter or hear it at our General Meeting, we want to make you aware of a generous offer from the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America, the MOA.  They are offering a FREE one-year membership to SCBMWRC members who are NOT currently an MOA member.  This is a $49 value!  

      The basic membership includes annual subscription to the BMW Owners News, an annual copy of the  BMW Owners Anonymous Book, full access to and the member forum area, as well as all the money saving discounts and benefits.

      The MOA has other tiers of membership, for example Roadside Assistance and Tire Hazard, which you can opt into for an additional fee.

      To take advantage of this offer, email our Membership Chairman, Ron Z, at [email protected].  Provide Ron with your:

      • Full Name
      • Email
      • Phone Number

      Ron will compile the list and pass it off to our friends at the MOA who will then contact you to set up and complete your membership.  Don’t pass this up!  The MOA is a great organization offering super discounts and keeping us connected to the BMW world outside of Southern California.

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