February 2018 Newsletter

February 2018 Newsletter

Forums Newsletters February 2018 Newsletter

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  • Author
    • #7428 Reply
      Karl Wagner

        Nice Articles, Hope you are not burnt out Roady, not sure if anyone has led two rides in one month….. :0

        Looking forward to riding February!!

      • #7431 Reply
        John Crittenden

          Great, David. And Chris can sit back and relax for a month or so!

        • #7432 Reply
          Richard Catarineau

            I enjoyed reading about the Death Valley trip. Next best thing to being there!

            Thanks David for another good mag!

          • #7433 Reply

              Wait … that cover picture, wasn’t it taken on our way to Dante’s View, where Brandon and Leo’s were left behind, and decided to take a different route. So, it seem like the photographer would have been Mr. Eastly not Brandon as the newsletter suggested.

              Nice article. Thanks David.

            • #7434 Reply
              Michael Pirosh

                Good photos!! Good write ups.

              • #7436 Reply
                David Omlor

                  Bickram – You could at least read the attribution before you criticize.

                  It CLEARLY says the photo was CONTRIBUTED by Brandon, not “taken” by.

                  I am not amused.

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