Death Valley Airhead Ride – March 10-12

Death Valley Airhead Ride – March 10-12

Forums Rides Death Valley Airhead Ride – March 10-12

  • Creator
  • #19027 Reply
    Pete Rissman

      I’ve been watching the weather and it looks just about perfect for Saturday & Sunday at Furnace Creek: The Saturday low-high is 54-72° and Sunday’s is 59-76°, and there is no rain and little to no wind in the forecast. Of course things could change between now and then, but it will probably get better rather than worse.

      And it looks like I’ll get to go. I’ll know for sure by the end of the day (Friday).

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    • Author
      • #19063 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Weather looks perfect .. keep fingers crossed for me. I took a hard fall a few weeks ago and tore my rotator cuff on the right and smashed a couple of ribs on the left. Wasn’t up to riding for my free breakfast yesterday, but haven’t completely given up on DV next weekend.


        • #19072 Reply
          Ron Zablocki

            Was wondering what you’ve been up to Chris, but that’s certainly not what I was expecting. Rest up and heal quickly!

            • #19079 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Sorry to hear about the fall Chris, heal well. I’ll buy you that bfast at Roady’s Dinner if you want to do a quick trip out to DV when you are well! K&S

            • #19080 Reply
              John Crittenden

                Here’s to you feeling well soon and DVing!

              • #19097 Reply
                Chris Roady

                  Thanks Gents .. I miss the days of bouncing after throwing the dirt bike away in 5th, vs tripping on a raised section of concrete while out walking the dog at night and spending weeks in pain. 😉

                • #19100 Reply
                  Eric Wolf

                    Wow Chris, bummer.  I’m praying for quick recovery.  DV, DV, DV…

                  • #19131 Reply
                    Eric Wolf

                      Hi South Coasters!

                      A few of you expressed interest in joining the Airhead Rally.  Here is the info…

                      The cost is $100 which includes camping, food, beverages and bonfire. Please register and pay ASAP!
                      On Friday they’ll provide a light breakfast and a wonderful dinner. Saturday we’ll get a light breakfast and Saturday dinner, and is included with your prepaid admission. They will have a big bonfire and beverages.They always manage to have “coffee”.
                      Make your check out, and mail to:

                      John Covington

                      1707 Victoria Dr

                      Fullerton, Ca 92831


                      Send $100 funds via paypal to [email protected]  Let him know that you’re with SCBMWRC.

                    • #19132 Reply
                      David Eastly

                        Thanks Eric. It’s probably too late to mail a check, but we all (should) know how to use PayPal. They need an accurate headcount beforehand so they can buy enough food and beverages!

                      • #19133 Reply
                        Eric Wolf

                          I checked in with John Covington this morning and there’s still room for more campers. Sign up now.

                        • #19146 Reply
                          Pete Rissman

                            Well, it’s looking real likely that we’ll be riding in some rain on Friday, but it shouldn’t be heavy and we should be out from under it by the time we hit Victorville. No rain in the forecast for Death Valley and the nighttime temps should be in the 50s and daytime temps should be in the 70s.

                            The attached rain forecast is for Chino Airport and the chance and quantity of rain gets progressively less from there to Victorville.

                            At least that’s how it looks right now, but as we all should know, the weather doesn’t answer to the weatherman.

                          • #19150 Reply
                            Ian Meyer

                              Dan P. And I will meet you all there probably around 3 ish, is there a spot we’re looking for.

                              Ian m


                            • #19158 Reply
                              Eric Wolf

                                Hi Ian,

                                Meet at the Furnace Creek Group campsite.

                              • #19162 Reply
                                David Eastly

                                  Hey DV riders, let’s meet at Flo’s Airport Cafe on Friday. We might get a bit of rain that morning, so bring rain gear!

                                  Chino Airport, 7000 Merrill Ave Bldg.A315, Chino, CA 91710

                                  KSU at 8:30am. Please have a full tank. If you want to eat one of their fine breakfasts, you should arrive at 7:30am.

                                  We’ll take Euclid north to 60 east, then north on 15 to the 395 north. We’ll stop at Kramer Junction to top off and make a pit stop.

                                  After continuing on the 395, we’ll turn right on Trona Road to Trona to get fuel and a bite to eat.

                                  Then we’ll continue north to 190, where we’ll turn right to Stovepipe Wells for a final top-off. The gas prices at Furnace Creek can be jaw dropping!

                                  Then on to Furnace Creek and the group camping area. If you arrive separately, tell the park attendant that you are with the Airhead motorcycle group.

                                  See you there!


                                • #19165 Reply
                                  David Eastly

                                    DV update! Our departure time (8:30) and place (Flo’s Airport Cafe) haven’t changed, but our route has. In order to avoid as much rain/wind as possible, we’ll stay on highway 15 to Baker, then north on 127 (Death Valley Road) to Shoshone. We’ll turn left on 178 (Jubilee Pass Road) which becomes Badwater Road. After a left on 190 we’ll be at Furnace Creek.

                                    This was my return route, but thanks to Pete Rissman’s sage advice, I’ll reverse it. We’ll be taking a more pleasant ride to DV.

                                    The return route will be a reversal of our original route, back through Trona etc.

                                  • #19166 Reply
                                    Chris Roady

                                      Have fun gents, I’m bummed but have officially tapped out. Just can’t justify risking a reversal on the healing process.

                                    • #19167 Reply
                                      John Crittenden

                                        Bummer, Chris.  We’ll miss you.

                                        As a note regarding Flo’s, Merrill Ave. is closed at Euclid.  To get to Flo’s will require a detour.   See you all there!

                                      • #19176 Reply
                                        David Eastly

                                          Good to know. Thanks John.

                                        • #19177 Reply
                                          Pete Rissman

                                            Ok, here are a couple GPX files for the ride there and back. On the way there I have us stopping in Yermo and Shoshone for gas, that based on how far Dave feels his airhead will go on a tank. I also have us stopping for lunch at the Crowbar Cafe & Saloon which is directly across the road from the Shoshone Chevron. If we leave Flo’s at 8:30 and don’t encounter any problems, we should arrive at the Crowbar around 1:00. From there it’s about 75 miles to Furnace Creek via the Badwater Basin.

                                            And for the Friday route to work it will be important to arrive at Flo’s with a full tank. You’ve been warned!

                                            The ride home is via Stovepipe Wells, Trona, Kramer Junction, and home. The GPX routes us back to Flo’s because it’s basically the original Friday route inverted.

                                          • #19180 Reply
                                            Ron Zablocki

                                              And Sat is sit around the campfire, get drunk and tell lies?

                                            • #19181 Reply
                                              Pete Rissman

                                                And Sat is sit around the campfire, get drunk and tell lies?

                                                I can’t speak for any of the other riders, but I’ll be sight-seeing and taking photos on Saturday. Our ride leader wrote: “There will be many great Saturday day-ride options such as Dante’s View, the town of Darwin and the Wildrose Charcoal Kilns” and that suggests choice which I think is a refreshing departure from the club norm of having every mile of a trip pre-planned.
                                                That said, I’m looking forward to revisiting the forgotten art of spontaneous decision and doing some paper-map navigation again. And now it’s time to stop typing and focus on getting to Flo’s in time to have breakfast before KSU.
                                              • #19281 Reply
                                                Pete Rissman

                                                  My photos from the Death Valley ride can be found in the club Google Drive, but they also can be found here which I think is a much more elegant format:


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