Coronado PD Ride to Live Classes

Coronado PD Ride to Live Classes

Forums Calendar Events Coronado PD Ride to Live Classes

  • Creator
  • #15110 Reply
    Sergio Collazo

      Coronado Police Department recently announced dates for their Ride To Live training program.

      This is a free 7 hour class that is similar to what Hawthorn PD runs. While Hawthorn PD operates their classes under a highway overpass, Coronado PD runs their classes in Silver Stand state beach adjacent to the sand and surf. Fish tacos on the beach anyone?

      There are two classes available (dates are visible by following eventbrite link on thier web page)

      February 19. There are 20 open spots remaining
      March 19. There are 22 open spots remaining

      For more information:

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    • Author
      • #15119 Reply
        John Crittenden

          Thanks, Sergio. I’m signed up for March 19. Might even make a two day trip of it!

        • #15120 Reply
          Sergio Collazo

            I just signed up for the March 19th class as well In speaking with Sue, a couple of nights in San Diego is resonating.

          • #15121 Reply
            Carl Tung

              Sergio, thanks for the posting! I just registered for the March class, too. I find these trainings super helpful. In fact, yesterday I took the Hawthorne Ride to Live class, Saturday, Jan 22, along with Cedric, Gilbert, Henry, and some other friends, along with some SD BMW club members. I built on some skills; always room to improve. SD will be a nice alternative setting to the 105 freeway with the occasional screaming train up above smothering HPD officers’ voices…

            • #15528 Reply
              Sergio Collazo

                Hello fellow South Coasters,

                I just received the following last minute open slots for Coronado PD Ride To Live class this Saturday.

                This is a great class and Coronado PD motor officers are super. See details below:


                Good Afternoon Riders,

                We are hosting a Ride to Live class this Saturday, April, 23rd, at San Diego State University. I have several open spaces and wanted to offer some spots to this group. I realize this is short notice, but if you are available and interested please use the link below to register for the class. Also, feel free to share the information with anyone who hasn’t attended Ride to Live before. The registration indicates the class is for SDSU students and staff only, but I am making an exception and the class is now open to anyone. Thanks, ride safe!


                Sgt. Anthony Flores #1248

                Coronado Police Department
                700 Orange Avenue
                Coronado, CA 92118
                Desk: 619-522-2649
                Dispatch: 619-522-7350

              • #15531 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Thanks for the info Sergio, wish we were home to have taken the class.

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