Christmas Toy Ride – 10am Meet Up – December 10, 2016

Christmas Toy Ride – 10am Meet Up – December 10, 2016

Forums Rides Christmas Toy Ride – 10am Meet Up – December 10, 2016

  • Creator
  • #4376 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      By Popular Demand We are Making the Meet Up a Bit Later in the Morning!

      We are going to spread a bit of holiday cheer, buy and bring unwrapped toys for children and teens toys, pack your top case and paniers full, put on some red and green, and join your South Coaster family to share a bit of the gift giving joy with those children less fortunate. We will meet at Irv Seavers at 10am, leave at 10:30am for a ride to a Operation Santa Claus to share gifts with then foster children of Orange County who could use some holiday cheer! We will share our gifts with the children, empty our “sleighs” to the fine staff of Orange County and ride to lunch nearby. Hope you can join in and spread some holiday Joy!

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    • Author
      • #4377 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Don’t think you can’t participate just because you can’t make the ride. Please feel free to do as Bill Allen, Peter Wawro, Mark Lawler, Erasmo Brenes, Larry Troffer, and Dave Eastly helped out, GIVE MONEY! One of us who is riding will gladly shop for you! Just email me with what you want to commit and we will do the shopping! [email protected].

          See you Saturday 10am at Irv Seavers!

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