Central Coast Ride – Morro Bay Camp April 21, 2017 – April 23, 2017

Central Coast Ride – Morro Bay Camp April 21, 2017 – April 23, 2017

Forums Central Coast Ride – Morro Bay Camp April 21, 2017 – April 23, 2017

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  • #4342 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Hi All,

      I am please to let you know that the Inn at Morro Bay has extended our reservation agreement to 10 people and allowed direct reservations.  I have attached the agreement which includes the reservation agreement and cancellation policy.

      To make reservations call:

      Inn at Morro Bayu
      805 772-5651
      refer to South Coast BMW Riders Club group block reservation
      use your own credit card for the reservation

      For us campers we have four adjacent sites which I will monitor the club Ride Sign up part of this web site and use it as your camping reservation.   We can have up to 12 bike in the campsites, so first come first serve, $30 per bike for the weekend camping.

      We are looking to cater dinner Saturday night central coast barbecue, price TBD/person. Fee will be collected at meetup Friday morning to deliver final count.

      Looking forward to riding with you next Spring in the Central Coast!


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