Central Coast Ride to Morro Bay, CA

Central Coast Ride to Morro Bay, CA

Forums Calendar Events Central Coast Ride to Morro Bay, CA

  • Creator
  • #1106 Reply
    Richard Catarineau

      5/21-22, Central Coast Ride to Morro Bay, Hosted by Karl Wagner

      Update 4/28/16:

      1) Saturday Meetup: 8:30am Meet, 9:00am Departure

      Panera Bread
      990 Town Center Drive, Unit A
      La Canada Flintridge, CA 91101

      2) NOTE: Big Apologies, but no motels would hold rooms for one night, so if you are not camping, please make your own reservation. I found quite a variety in Morro Bay, CA on Google. If you are camping, please let me know so I can confirm campsite and bike parking availability.

      3) Saturday Route: We will have a road route up hwy 5 to Frazier Park, heading West through Frazier Park, along Cuddy Valley Road to 166.

      If we have any dual sport riders they can take the road up Chorizo Plains to meet us at hwy 58. The DS route will enjoy a very 45 mile route up the Chorizo Plains Monument which has 20 miles of unpaved portion through this quiet valley. Here is a bit more information about the Soda Lake Road and Chorizo Plains. http://www.wbunning.com/carrizods/sodalake/sodalake.html

      The road bikes will continue on hwy 66 East to 33 North up to the small town of McKittrick for lunch at the McKittick Hotel. After lunch we will head East to hwy 58 and meet any dual sports at a intersection of hwy 58 and Soda Lake Road. With the group back together, I hope, we will all head West across the plains to hwy 41, continuing West to coast highway and dropping down to Morro Bay for the night.
      My plan is to get into Morro Bay by late afternoon, grab a bottle of wine and take a hike up the hill or along the beach near the campground to watch the Sunset.
      Saturday Night Dinner: There is a café in the marina across the street from the campground that I believe is good. I am going to firm that up or possibly cater Saturday night by a local barbecue place that is great. If you have a preference, please let me know. The catering would be around $15/person to the campsite, refreshment not included I will take orders at the Saturday morning meet up if interested.

      Saturday night campfire at the campground, chocolate and red wine along with Smoores!

      4) Sunday: We will get breakfast at the café in the marina by the campground, or your choice elsewhere, and meet up at the campground at 9:00am for a 9:30am departure. Our ride back South will start along the Morro Bay Wetlands to Los Osos Valley road East until we head South over the green hills of San Luis Obispo to See Canyon. We may stop at the Avila Barn for a treat, or jump on the 101 South for a short run to Santa Maria. Hwy 166 East, 33 South and if time pick up Lockwood Valley Road back to Frazier Park, then hwy 5 to our respective homesteads. I have several lunch options, time and hunger determining where we land.

      This should be a fun two day, one-night ride, I look forward to. The flowers may not be a bright at we had hoped due to the less than expected rain, but the bright faces will make up for it!

    Viewing 23 reply threads
    • Author
      • #1110 Reply
        Steve Leo

          Sorry, Jan and I won’t be able to make it. We are leaving that Saturday for China.

        • #1119 Reply
          Michael Pirosh

            I’m interested and would stay at motel/hotel. However, if you choose to spend much of the time offroad, I’ll pass.


          • #1203 Reply
            Larry Troffer

              Trish and I are interested in going. Prefer motel.

            • #1209 Reply
              David Omlor

                I am interested in the camping option. Will there be non-off road touring for us RT riders?

                Thank you,
                – David

              • #1554 Reply
                Robin Lee

                  Robin and Vern are in. Hotel please

                • #2460 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Any info on the motel so I can update the Facebook page ??

                  • #2549 Reply
                    Richard Catarineau

                      Well, since everyone has wimped out for a motel, I’m outta here.

                      Just kidding. My eyes were bigger than my stamina when I signed up for this one. I have a work convention in Vegas (tough, but someone has to do it), followed by this ride, followed by the 49’er rally. I’m going to need a nap in between so I’m going to drop this ride. Catch you all next time!

                    • #2738 Reply
                      Karl Wagner

                        4-28-16 Ride Update: Please see the top message for updated ride info and gpx route files.

                        Thank you,


                      • #2739 Reply
                        Paul Nelson

                          Gale and I will be trailer camping at Morro Bay State Park site 90, at the end of a Sierra riding trip. We will be there Thursday leaving Monday. Hope to join in the festivities Saturday night. Paul

                        • #2742 Reply
                          Mark Borgeson

                            Hi David, I’m up for camping.

                          • #2745 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              Ok, from the Ride List and in the thread above I believe we have about dozen bikes, about half camping. Again, VERY sorry I could not get a hotel reservation. If you are staying in a hotel and if more rooms are available at that hotel, post here for information to the group.

                              Dining options are filling in well. Saturday evening dining at the Bayside Café across the street and on the bay is and option for nice dining in a Central Coast casual atmosphere.

                              Sunday breakfast at the Morro Bay Golf Course, a short morning walk from the campground, has a café with a great few of Morro Bay.

                              Because it is of course, it is all about the food……

                              Thanks all,


                            • #2749 Reply
                              David Omlor

                                I have decided to say no to tent camping.

                                Has anyone made reservations at a motel near the camp grounds? I’d like to be with other members who are moteling!

                                Thanks, – David

                              • #2799 Reply
                                Richard VanZanten

                                  I can go but i am bring my son and wife and sorry but taking the pathfinder instead of bike and camping if that works out so if you want me to bring anything i can have more then enough room

                                • #2804 Reply
                                  Karl Wagner

                                    Hope everyone got partially satisfied for riding after last weekend and are ready for two days riding this coming weekend to Morro Bay and back!

                                    Please note, I corrected the meet up place and time above. I had played with a few options and apparently did not correct the above location. Here is the correct meet up:

                                    8:30am Meet up, 9:00am Departure
                                    Panera Bread
                                    990 Town Center Drive, Unit A
                                    La Canada Flintridge, CA 91101

                                    I understand the following folks have expressed interest in one way or another to ride up together:
                                    Troffer (mending!)

                                    We will not be doing the dual sport leg due to lack of interest, all pavement Mike Pirosh!

                                    Meeting us at Morro Bay:
                                    VanZanten Family!

                                    It is Monday and I am already looking forward to it!

                                  • #2828 Reply
                                    Dale Sprosty


                                      I know it will be a fabulous ride (have to be with you leading it). Unfortunately I won’t be able to make this ride. I have a number of things I need to catch up on prior to the solstice and Mt. Laguna outing. I’ll be thinking about you and the group. Ride safe and bring them all back. Lol.

                                    • #2830 Reply
                                      Karl Wagner

                                        Awe, come on Dale, Hwy 58 awaits………I understand!

                                        For everyone else who is going, I have a text from team Neslon who said it was beautiful but a bit cool, so bring a warm layer folks!

                                        See you Saturday Morning at Panera!!!


                                      • #2841 Reply
                                        Erasmo Brenes


                                          Count Diane and I for the ride. We’ll be camping out, for real this time! 🙂
                                          I’ll be meeting you at Panera Bread tomorrow at 8:30am. Looking forward to it.
                                          Mark, if you’d like to ride to the meet-up, let me know.


                                          • #2842 Reply
                                            Karl Wagner

                                              Great Erasmo, see you at Panera.

                                              • #2843 Reply
                                                Mark Borgeson

                                                  Shoot, I’m probably too late to organize a meet-up Erasmo.

                                            • #2844 Reply

                                                Motels/hotels around? Last minute thing?

                                              • #2846 Reply
                                                David Omlor

                                                  Many thanks to Karl for exciting passages, great ride leadership and for having a birthday. The having a birthday thing resulted in scoring a fabulous “free for Karl’s Birthday” dessert after dinner Saturday evening. So, Thank you Sharon too!! Great to see everyone. This was my first time to stop at Morrro Bay. I need to go back and spend a couple days – beautiful sea side village that needs exploring.

                                                • #2847 Reply
                                                  Mark Borgeson

                                                    Thanks a lot Karl for a great trip.

                                                  • #2848 Reply
                                                    Bill Reitz

                                                      Hey David how was The Breakers ?? Maybe do a review either on here or in the newsletter so others know if it’s a good place for future rides.

                                                    • #2851 Reply
                                                      Karl Wagner

                                                        We really enjoyed the weekend, thank you to all who attended, and Bikram for trying to! Especially our camp “hosts” the Nelsons and the Wassenaar’s and Leo’s for joining in Saturday nights dinner, good fun.

                                                      • #2857 Reply
                                                        Erasmo Brenes


                                                          Thanks for putting together the ride. It was a great success!
                                                          Diane and I had a great time.

                                                        • #2861 Reply
                                                          David Omlor

                                                            a couple photos for your viewing pleasure

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