BMW Riverside event ride Jan. 20?

BMW Riverside event ride Jan. 20?

Forums Rides BMW Riverside event ride Jan. 20?

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    • #21703 Reply
      Karl Wagner

        Thanks for the heads up Tom. FYI, the link to the Meetup posting only allows Meetup members to view. I looked on BMW Riverside’s webpage calendar and this event is not listed. Kind of odd?

      • #21704 Reply
        Ric Magrath

          I would join you Tom but I will be playing the nickel slots in Laughlin or running with the burros down the streets of  Oatman while on the club ride that weekend.

        • #21706 Reply
          Thomas Watson

            Thanks for the heads up Tom. FYI, the link to the Meetup posting only allows Meetup members to view. I looked on BMW Riverside’s webpage calendar and this event is not listed. Kind of odd?

            Yes, weird. There seems to be several options for Meetup – I signed in with my Google ID.
          • #21721 Reply
            Torbjorn Corell


              I signed up for the event. I will be driving in from Rancho Cucamonga however.

            • #22086 Reply
              Thomas Watson

                Forecast is rain tomorrow. I’m out.


              • #22091 Reply
                Willis Ho

                  Attend the Long Beach and Riverside launch event! Very nice design with some high tech feature borrowed from car industry.

                  Dealer will get the demo bikein about one month.


                • #22149 Reply
                  Willis Ho

                    Unroute to Vegas through Highway 66

                  • #22152 Reply
                    Willis Ho

                      Unroute to Vegas through Highway 66

                    • #22155 Reply
                      Thomas Watson

                        Wrong thread?


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