Baja 2up – newbies. Anyone up for a ride?

Baja 2up – newbies. Anyone up for a ride?

Forums Rides Baja 2up – newbies. Anyone up for a ride?

  • Creator
  • #19062 Reply
    Mat Szulakowski


      New fella here, riding GSA. Dreaing doing a trip to Baja for 2-3 days (if it makes sense to go for that short). Never been, new to the area, my wife is scared of crossing the border but we have a bunch of touring done under our belts. Interested in getting off the paved roads too, if other riders are willing to – not a must. Would love to arrange a ride with some folks that are experienced and willing to show us the ropes. Preferably camping but open to other ideas too.

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    • Author
      • #19099 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Hi Mat,

          It was great to meet you yesterday.  Welcome to the club!

          We have several members who are very experienced in Baja travel.  In fact, they led two club rides this past year: a weekend ride and a nine day trip.  Those were exclusively hotel trips but packed in a lot of great food, fun roads, visiting historical sights, even whale watching.  We will likely have at least a 3-day club ride again this year.  In addition to the club rides, several members made their own excursions to Baja this year.

          South Coasters, anyone else have recommendations?  Anyone planning a trip?

        • #19134 Reply
          Evangelos Evangelou

            Hi Mat.
            Great riding with you yesterday and thanks for the flyer and recommendation for SCBMWRC. As you can see I have joined. Looking forward to riding again soon.
            I don’t have any advice on riding in Baja but I did camp at this place 20+ years ago and it is definitely doable on a GSA via the dry lake bed route.
            Hopefully I am not breaking any rules copying a link into here.
            I am really excited to have found this club and really looking forward to meeting everyone and going on some rides.

            • #19160 Reply
              Eric Wolf

                Hi Evangelos,

                Welcome to the club!  I look forward to meeting and riding with you.

                And thanks Mat for immediately being an advocate.  The BOD needs to create an award for signing up friends 🙂


            • #19137 Reply
              Henry Salari

                Hi, New fella here, riding GSA. Dreaing doing a trip to Baja for 2-3 days (if it makes sense to go for that short). Never been, new to the area, my wife is scared of crossing the border but we have a bunch of touring done under our belts. Interested in getting off the paved roads too, if other riders are willing to – not a must. Would love to arrange a ride with some folks that are experienced and willing to show us the ropes. Preferably camping but open to other ideas too.

                Hey Mat,
                I don’t think there’s any club sanctioned rides for Baja on the calendar for this year. Don’t fret, I am taking a group of riders to an easy weekender from March 17th-19th, 2023, in a week 1/2 time. This is going to be a great intro to Baja for you as we are visiting the Ensenada Beer Fest, visit the La Bufadora, go wine tasting and two dinners at some of the best restaurants in the region. This would be the perfect intro to riding in Mexico for you and your wife because it’s south of the border enough to feel like you’re in Mexico, but not too rural that gives you a cultural shock. I may be able to squeeze both of you in for this trip but I need a nod fairly quickly so I can grab a room for you guys. Please call me if you’re serious about going to Mexico: 310-403-6962


                Goat Moto Tours -

              • #19197 Reply
                Mat Szulakowski

                  Thank you all for responding to my thread! For some reason I was not notified about any of your responses and was positively surprised to see the updates.

                  Jason – welcome to the group! Super stoked to see you here and looking forward to riding with you again soon.

                  Henry – as you know, we signed up for the Ensenada weekend and we can’t be more excited for it.

                  Eric – happy to help, bring new folks to SC, and will gladly accept any awards you want to hand to me lol In all seriousness, I am looking forward to joining the group ride to Baja when it gets organized.



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