August 5th after meeting ride to Fallbrook

August 5th after meeting ride to Fallbrook

Forums Calendar Events August 5th after meeting ride to Fallbrook

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  • #20104 Reply
    Ed Taylor

      August 5th Meeting will be at Irv Sievers and will start at 9:00 AM  we are meeting early so that we have time for the ride to Fallbrook. It should take us 2hours 15 minutes to get there.

      Rafael Carrete and Ed Taylor are co-leading this ride.  Rafael knows Orange County and Ed has Fallbrook in his back yard.

      This ride was actually the ride Pete Rissman put together several months ago, but unfortunately Ortega was closed for the weekend.  Hopefully Ortega will be open for us.

      After the meeting we will ride Ortega to Lake Elsinore and then through De Luz to Fallbrook.  We will have lunch at the Firehouse Que and Brew. 1019 S. Main Ave. Fallbrook.

      De Luz is a surprising road through avocado orchards that is worth knowing about. Although it parallels the 15 freeway, you would never know it. Once in Fallbrook, to the Firehouse Que and Brew The manager will be reserving a corner of the covered patio for us.

      After lunch directions can be  retracing steps, or using 76 to get back West or 15 Freeway North of South.

      Lets ask Pete about the deserts at the Firehouse.

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      • #20120 Reply
        Ed Taylor

          For the 8/5 meeting and ride, here is a GPX of the route to Fallbrook.

          Again, Thanking Pete for pulling this together for an earlier attempt at this same ride.


        • #20124 Reply
          Pete Rissman

            While I can’t absolutely rule it out, it’s extremely unlikely that there will be any water-crossings on DeLuz Road like there were in April.

            There’s a 100% chance of Peach Cobbler at the Firehouse, though, and I’m going to call and request ice cream so we can have it à la mode.

          • #20127 Reply
            Pete Rissman

              Our last club ride to Firehouse Que & Brew.

            • #20137 Reply
              Ed Taylor

                Thanks Pete, I tried the Peach Cobbler.. probably wont need your heated gear for this ride.

              • #20160 Reply
                Eric Stoddard

                  We signed up for the GM meeting and ride on the 5th but are going to have to cancel . . . moving up our flights to Idaho to catch my son for his few days off between fire fighting assignments that has changed and now conflicts with this ride.  Sorry to miss the ride amigos.   Signed up for Lompoc.

                • #20224 Reply
                  Willis Ho

                    Got flu, will not make the meeting and ride.

                    Have fun!

                  • #20226 Reply
                    Pete Rissman

                      About the after-meeting ride:

                      While we would really prefer you join us for the General Meeting at Irv Seavers at 9:00 am, we will be briefly stopping at the Starbucks in the shopping center at the corner of Antonio Pkwy and Ortega Hwy at 11-11:30 and the parking lot at the corner of Ortega Hwy and Grand Ave in Lake Elsinore at 12-12:30 if you would like to join the ride at one of those places. These stops are in the GPX file posted earlier in this thread by Ed.

                      Also, the GPX file includes an after-lunch ride home via some obscure back roads to Oceanside and I-5 up the coast. While I will be going home that way and any of you are welcome to join me, it’s entirely optional. The group ride officially ends at the Firehouse Que and Brew and you can head home from there via any route of your choice.

                    • #20241 Reply
                      Henry Salari

                        Our Post-Meeting Day Ride to Fallbrook, CA where we all gained about 18lbs. But the peach cobbler was delish!


                        Goat Moto Tours -

                      • #20244 Reply
                        Eric Wolf

                          Awesome video Henry, thanks!  Boy, you sure make us look good 🙂

                        • #20246 Reply
                          Ed Taylor

                            Henry,  Great job with the video.

                          • #20261 Reply
                            Gilbert Galvez

                              As usual. Nice job Henry!

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