Aug GM, @ Irv’s with Ride to Mt Baldy Lodge

Aug GM, @ Irv’s with Ride to Mt Baldy Lodge

Forums Calendar Events Aug GM, @ Irv’s with Ride to Mt Baldy Lodge

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  • #23071 Reply
    Eric Wolf

      Join your friends at Irv Seavers for our General Meeting on August 3rd, beginning at 9:00 am.  Come early and grab some coffee and a breakfast sandwich at the Flat Trak Cafe starting at 8:00.

      After our meeting we’ll queue up for a day ride to the Mt Baldy Lodge for lunch. Our route may be familiar but it always focuses us and works up an appetite. From Irv’s we’ll highway it to Glendora where we will climb Glendora Mountain Road, picking up Glendora Ridge Road east, to Mt Baldy. After lunch there is always the option of shooting up to Wrightwood or back west and up to Crystal Lake.

      Sign up now on the event page!

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