April South Coaster is HERE!

April South Coaster is HERE!

Forums Newsletters April South Coaster is HERE!

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  • Author
    • #14064 Reply
      Karl Wagner

        Well done sir, looking forward to the Spring and Summer riding!!

      • #14065 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Thanks for all the work and for the improvements you brought to the Newsletter Brandon. Thanks in advance to Harry, for taking over the Editor role!

        • #14066 Reply
          Bill Allen

            Great job, Brandon! You will be a tough act to follow, but I’m confident Harry is up to the task.

          • #14068 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              Another excellent newsletter – thanks for all the work you’ve done on these!

            • #14069 Reply
              David Eastly

                Great job Brandon! Good luck getting us into those shirts, John!

              • #14146 Reply
                Ed Taylor

                  Great newsletter! Don’t know why I waited until tax day eve to open it.
                  John, Who are those shirts for? I do hope you ordered an extra large for me.
                  nick name “Coastal Eddy”
                  Warmly, Ed

                • #14148 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    They only have small and extra small, but I’m sure it will look good on you, Ed.

                    • #14149 Reply
                      Karl Wagner

                        Okay….. that is a visual that is going to take a LONG time to get out of my mind John……. 🙂

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