Air Compressor / Charging Brick Recommendations

Air Compressor / Charging Brick Recommendations

Forums Tech Corner Air Compressor / Charging Brick Recommendations

  • Creator
  • #18319 Reply
    Bill Allen

      The air compressor I have was purchased in the last century and has a BMW plug for an accessory socket, which I don’t have on my scooter.
      I’ve seen a bunch of new devices that are powered by charging bricks, which I have neither.
      I thought I would seek the advice of the collective wisdom here.
      Thank you

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    • Author
      • #18350 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Hi Bill,

          Good questions.  I just went through this at Christmas looking for a pump as a gift for Patrick.

          This is the battery brick that I use.  I’m very happy with it.  I’ve jump started cars and motorcycles with it.  I use it to charge all of my devices while on trips and I can recharge it from the bike while riding.  I have not used it to run a pump however, but I am pretty sure that wouldn’t be a problem.  Microstart XP-1.

          The pump I just bought was MotoPumps Air Shot 2.0.  I haven’t used it yet so the jury is still out but I did read too many reviews (I tend to over analyze) and liked what I read.  I especially wanted a pump with a 90 degree flip down connection and SAE plug into the bike.  This one met my specs.

          I hope this helps!


        • #18361 Reply
          Bill Allen

            Thanks for the tips, Eric. Regarding the air compressor, I need one powered by the charging brick as I don’t have an accessory plug on the scooter.

          • #18633 Reply
            Patrick Wolf

              Hi everyone,

              Im asking if anyone has experienced or has knowledge about a starter clutch issue on a 2011 R GS1200. All research and signs point to this, however I haven’t been able to find any info or videos on how to disassemble a replace this. Eric and I have been trying but we are currently stuck at this juncture. Also, are any of you sold mechanics and available if we can not tackle this endeavor? Thank you.

              Patrick Wolf

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