2022 Pinnacles National Park News

2022 Pinnacles National Park News

Forums General 2022 Pinnacles National Park News

  • Creator
  • #15027 Reply
    Bill Reitz

      Pinnacles National Park has announced five dates next year in which it’s waiving it’s entrance fee for visitors.

      January 17 for Martin Luther King Jr Day.
      April 16 to mark the first day of National Park Week.
      August 4, which is the anniversary of the Great American Outdoors Act.
      September 24, which is National Public Lands Day.
      And November 11 for Veterans Day.

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    • Author
      • #15028 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          CORRECTION: Five days when the entrance fees are waived at EVERY PARK IN THE COUNTRY.

          I couldn’t edit my original post so I added this info.

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