2017 BMW MOA Rally July 13-17, 2017:  Salt Lake City Ut

2017 BMW MOA Rally July 13-17, 2017: Salt Lake City Ut

Forums Calendar Events 2017 BMW MOA Rally July 13-17, 2017: Salt Lake City Ut

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  • Author
    • #2913 Reply
      Richard Catarineau

        Nice to have it so close. I’m going.

      • #2921 Reply
        John Crittenden

          That’s great! Will have to go! Maybe we can get a whole lot of SCers there!

        • #2925 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            When the Rally was in Salem, Oregon in 2013 about eight South Coasters were there. Utah is a beautiful riding state. Hmmmmmm…….

          • #2926 Reply

              +1 Going.

            • #2930 Reply
              David Omlor

                I too will attend. It should be a Coaster mileage + event! 🙂

              • #3394 Reply
                David Eastly

                  I’m going!!!

                • #3398 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    David, it is on the Calendar, and definitely will be a mileage event. We shouldn’t have any problem getting enough SCers to ride there!

                  • #3400 Reply

                      In the past when attending MOA rallies, SCer mileage did not count even when it was posted on the website 72 hours before AND more than two rode to the event. It is because MOA rally is not considered as a SCer event.

                      However, that was past. New president, Mr. Crittenden, can establish new rule and make the mileage countable.

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