1975 BMW R75/6 Needs a New Home :)

1975 BMW R75/6 Needs a New Home :)

Forums Classifieds 1975 BMW R75/6 Needs a New Home :)

  • Creator
  • #13241 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      An R75/6 daily rider that is a solid and fun bike! Comes with original tools and pump, side cases, protection bars, rear rack and boxes of parts and supplies. This airhead has been fun to ride and own, but alas must move on bring joy to another owner!

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    • Author
      • #13383 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Well, it tugged at my heart and “called to me” to stay in the stable and take good care of this little bike. There was to much history and character that is not in the other bikes in the stable… so it stays at Home! ๐Ÿ™‚

          Now let’s schedule an airhead meet up! ๐Ÿ™‚

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