Reply To: January 19-21 Laughlin ride

Reply To: January 19-21 Laughlin ride

Forums Calendar Events January 19-21 Laughlin ride Reply To: January 19-21 Laughlin ride

Pete Rissman

    I’ve been watching the weather forecasts for the routes and destinations for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and it doesn’t look like we will see any rain on Friday or Saturday.

    On Sunday we could see some light rain in Laughlin when we depart, no rain through the desert, and then scattered light showers (25-30% chance) through the Inland Empire, Orange and LA Counties.

    Steady rain shouldn’t start until Sunday night and that forecast has been pushed back (later) every day. It’s quite possible we won’t have to ride in any rain at all, but it’s wise to remember that Mother Nature doesn’t answer to meteorologists. 😉