Reply To: Feb General Meeting and Past Presidents’ Breakfast

Reply To: Feb General Meeting and Past Presidents’ Breakfast

Forums Calendar Events Feb General Meeting and Past Presidents’ Breakfast Reply To: Feb General Meeting and Past Presidents’ Breakfast

Eric Wolf

    Hi Again South Coasters!

    Boy, this date is coming up fast.  Hard to believe that we are already a third of the way through January.  If you’re on the fence about this GM, tip forward and sign up.  This is our once a year time when we reflect and honor our past presidents and celebrate the history of the club.

    Have you ever looked closely at our logo?  In it are the words “since 1976”!  Wow, most of us weren’t even alive then 🙂  Seriously, we stand on the shoulders of many, many, past board members and presidents who have carried the water, planned rides, purchased insurance, registered the club year in and year out with the MOA and the state of CA, built websites, and of course, led incredible rides.

    Let’s make this the biggest turnout of the year!

    Oh, and we’re going to have incredible food at the Rose Canyon Cantina!