Reply To: Club Member Mileage Reports

Reply To: Club Member Mileage Reports

Forums Calendar Events Club Member Mileage Reports Reply To: Club Member Mileage Reports

Pete Rissman

    Below you will find the mileage report following the Nov 4 GM ride to Julian and the Nov 2-5 ADV Rally.

    In summary:

    • Ed Taylor remains in 1st place with 1943 miles.
    • Gilbert Galvez is in 2nd place with 1736 miles.
    • Ron Zablocki is in 3rd place with 1692 miles.
    • Travers Bell is in 4th place with 1656 miles.
    • Carl Tung is in 5th place with 1585 miles.

    Total safe club event miles ridden since we started keeping track (7/4/23): 165,296 miles.

    The next report will be posted after the January 6 GM ride to the Rock Inn.

    Pete R.
    Mileage Curator.