Reply To: November General Meeting

Reply To: November General Meeting

Forums Calendar Events November General Meeting Reply To: November General Meeting

Ric Magrath

    Hi members,

    Attached are the gpx files for the route from Irv Seaver BMW Motorcycle to Julian Beer Co. and the return route from Julian back to Irv Seaver’s.

    Thank you Ron Z for the outbound route suggestion and Pete R for a add on to the home bound route.

    The ride to Julian is approx. 3 hrs so please arrive at Irv’s early and be ready to depart at 9:00 am sharp.

    We will make a stop at the Starbucks off I 15 (exit 95) to collect anyone coming from the IE.

    Starbucks.  1199 Magnolia Ave. Corona, CA 92879. ETA at this location is 9:30 am.

    If you intend joining the ride at that location please advise on this forum so we will know to look for you.

    NOTE: The route home is assuming that CA 74 will not be closed. I will verify this closer to the date.

    Thank you and I look forward to seeing you on the ride.