Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Forums Calendar Events February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Bill Allen

    Karl – I think there is one change that would provide immediate and dramatic results: Return Bill Reitz to the role of Ride Captain for the day rides. While he was Ride Captain, there were never any performance awards or accidents AFAIK. To placate the hoons in the club, the club could organize a couple of track days (paid for by the participants, of course) so they can get their speed fix. Something more needs to be done because, apparently, the efforts to organize Street Masters and other safety related efforts are not reaching as far nor as fast as they should.

    It appears someone deleted my original post.

    Thank you,