Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Forums Calendar Events February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Karl Wagner

    Well, for the full story you will have to wait until the newsletter. But suffice it to say I have way more respect for ride leaders and am still amazed at GPS gremlins! Thank you to the 15 rides and drivers we had on 13 bikes. I had a great day for the most part, very dissapointed in the GPS malfunction in Palm Springs that fractured the group. I trust sub groups mad it home. Really enjoyed meeting new member Greg and the big smile he had after running the sweepers through the east end of the park.

    We went from
    The coast to the desert, to the pines and ended near the coast. Went from 48 degrees at 6am to 87 degrees in Joshua Tree, back to 47 degrees in the pines near Idylwild and 69 back at the coast. We saw views from Joshua Trees to the Southern rim of the Cochella Valley down to the valley floor and then back up to see the view from the Southern rim!

    I do feel I have to share my biggest regret however. It is Mark & Cindy’s story to share in detail, but I know they would appreciate your prayers. The went down on the 74 as we were heading West nearing Hemet. I do not know details, however they were going to be evaluated at Riverside General. Again, they can share details, I just hoped you would pray for a good outcome. I am so sorry thier day ended this way.