Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Forums Calendar Events February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted Reply To: February 20, 2016 Club Day Ride – Route Posted

Karl Wagner

    Looking forward to next weeks ride, the weather appears to be cooperating we will be able to hit the desert, a national park, up to the pines and back home along the beach. Have to love California riding!

    I am having a challenge uploading the map or GPS file to this site, if you would like it prior to next weekend, email me me at [email protected]. I will have paper copies at the pre-ride meeting at 8:15am, KSU 8:30am. Look forward lots of great roads, picnic in the park (BYO Lunch!) and great views!

    See you Saturday

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Bill Reitz.