Let's get some t-shirts made

Let's get some t-shirts made

Forums Club Gear Let's get some t-shirts made

  • Creator
  • #934 Reply
    Scott Hale

      How about we get some t-shirts made with the club BMW logo ?

    Viewing 11 reply threads
    • Author
      • #943 Reply
        David Eastly


        • #952 Reply
          John Crittenden

            We will take this up at the next Board Meeting. I was also looking at having T-shirts for the June Weekender. Have you both confirmed/signed up? We need everyone!

          • #953 Reply
            Tom Hooper

              Monogram Magic can make T-shirts. Each member can order and pay at anytime. The club should not order T-shirts and get stuck with them (as in the past).

            • #961 Reply
              Paul Nelson

                My $0.02=In the ancient past we had a stack of tee shirts and caps that a designated member lugged to our events and never seemed to have the right size etc. A much better solution is to go to Monogram Magic for a huge variety of items. They are a great company we (Gale and I) have used for years. They have quality stuff. Easy to deal with being located in Lake Forest, Ca. Cya soon, Paul

                • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Paul Nelson. Reason: operator error
              • #963 Reply
                Dale Sprosty

                  I used MM this past week to have my leather jacket fitted for a large SCBMWRC logo on the back. They did an outstanding job and it was reasonably priced. T-Shirts are a no brainer for these guys.

                • #965 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    I agree, that’s a better idea, if you would like a shirt, cap, jacket, shoes with the club logo, MM is the place to go. They do a very good job and have a good selection of items if you don’t want to bring your own.

                  • #970 Reply
                    Scott Hale

                      Thanks everyone for letting me know about MM, great idea ! Dale, did they do the large SCBMWRC logo for you too ? Thanks !

                    • #985 Reply
                      Dale Sprosty

                        They did Scott. Couldn’t be happier with it. Vern, Paul, Tom, Bill all used him early on and he still has and offers the logos and custom designed embroidery.

                      • #991 Reply
                        Tom Hooper

                          Dale, I can’t wait to see your jacket with the club logo

                        • #992 Reply
                          Dale Sprosty

                            It really looks great Tom. MM does really nice work. Thanks for the recommendation.

                          • #1001 Reply
                            Ed Anjel

                              Dale, bring the jacket up to Hells Kitchen so I can see it.

                            • #1099 Reply
                              Dan Burtt

                                We have already paid for the development of the club logo at “Monogram Magic” vendor in Lake Forest. All that is required to visit the shop, and tell what kind of T-Shirt you want. There are various qualities and styles. Just tell them you want the South Coast BMW logo placed on the shirt.

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