Club logo stickers?

Club logo stickers?

Forums Club Gear Club logo stickers?

  • Creator
  • #14722 Reply
    Craig Porter

      Hello all, I was wondering if there are club logo stickers available? I’d love one for my top box. Thank you!

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    • Author
      • #14723 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Yes the Club has stickers. Our Prez John Crittenden usually has some at General Meetings or other Club functions.

        • #14726 Reply
          Craig Porter

            Gotcha, thanks for the info. Looking forward to my first meeting 😀

          • #14729 Reply
            John Crittenden

              Craig (and all other newer members!). We have Club stickers and pins that are given at General Meetings or rides, from either myself or Dave Eastly.

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