Spring Cleaning……

Spring Cleaning……

Forums Classifieds Spring Cleaning……

  • Creator
  • #15373 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Spring Cleaning results in the following items on the “out the door” list. Let me know if interested, South Coaster best price… or free! :0

      1) 2016 and similar years R 1200 GSA Items
      – Saddleman driver and pillion seat, excellent condition
      – SW Moto bar risers, about 1-1/2″ up and 1-1/4″ back
      – Tourtech pillion seat replacement tail bag, good condition
      2) 2015 and similar years R 1200 R
      – drivers BMW stock std seat, excellent condition

      3) 2014 and similar years R 1200 GS
      – BMW Tank Bag, good condition
      4) Onkyo receiver and Bose 101 speakers (heck, thought I would toss those in for anyones kids!!! :0
      Send me an email, call or text me for pictures, questons, and price if interested

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    • Author
      • #15376 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Update on what’s availaable after one day. FB Marketplace is pretty busy!

          1) 2016 and similar years R 1200 GSA Items
          – Saddleman driver and pillion seat, excellent condition
          – SW Moto bar risers, about 1-1/2″ up and 1-1/4″ back
          SOLDTourtech pillion seat replacement tail bag, good condition
          2) 2015 and similar years R 1200 R
          – drivers BMW stock std seat, excellent condition

          3) 2014 and similar years R 1200 GS
          SOLD – BMW Tank Bag, good condition

          Send me an email, call or text me for pictures, questons, and price if interested

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