Streetmasters Tour and Train being planned….

Streetmasters Tour and Train being planned….

Forums Calendar Events Streetmasters Tour and Train being planned….

  • Creator
  • #4799 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      We all recognize the benefit of continuous practice and improvement of our riding skills. Many of us took the Streetmaster Cornering Workshop with the group of South Coaster who took it in 2015.

      Streetmasters offers a follow follow up training weekend every so often, called Tour & Train. This is an on the road skills refinement setting where we ride great California roads in small groups and receive coaching from the Streetmasters staff.

      The next So Cal Tour & Train class is being planned for April 7-9, 2017. I called Nancy Foote about it and she said the details are just about to go out in the mail. If you might be interested in this type of training, check the website:

      Note, this on the road training is made available for Streetmasters Workshop alumni. If you attended the SCBMW group class in 2015 or any other workshop they put on you are good. If not, and you would like to attend the April, 2017 Tour & Train, you can the March 25, 2017 class this month!

      Check it out, practice, practice, practice………

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    • Author
      • #4905 Reply
        David Omlor

          Food ¬- Meals included are:
          • Friday Meet ‘n’ Greet – Sandwiches and Snacks
          • Saturday – Pizza and Salad Dinner
          • Breakfasts are included with your room at the hotels
          Also Included:
          • Drawing for Sena Bluetooth units (2 units to be given away in two separate drawings – one on Friday and one on Saturday)
          • Other Swag
          THE PRICE:
          $150 per rider
          $75 per co-rider

          “TOUR ‘N’ TRAIN”
          We now have the hotel information for this event!
          If you are planning on attending, you should make hotel reservations as soon as possible!
          Please call the hotels directly and tell them you are with the Streetmasters group.

          Rates may go up after March 24*.
          *Room costs are the responsibility of the student.
          Where we are starting
          Friday, April 7 – Alpine, California
          Ayres Lodge Alpine
          1251 Tavern Road
          Alpine, CA 91901
          Phone: 619-445-5800
          Rate: $111.96 per room (plus tax)
          Where are we going?
          Saturday, April 8: The hotels in Temecula were too darn expensive, so we’ve moved to Hemet

          Best Western Diamond Valley
          3501 W Florida
          Hemet, CA 92545
          Phone: 951-658-2281
          Rate: $115 per room (plus tax)

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