Sierra Passes Ride – July 18 to 22, 2024

Sierra Passes Ride – July 18 to 22, 2024

Forums Calendar Events Sierra Passes Ride – July 18 to 22, 2024

  • This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 07/09/2024 | 11:09 by Randy van Vliet.
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  • #22877 Reply
    Steve Leo

      We have started this new stream to make sure you have all the information necessary for the Sierra Passes Ride. A large portion of the other stream was lost in the website transition. This will hopefully give you all the information you need.

      If you have never ridden the epic passes of the Sierra’s you now have the opportunity to see some of the most spectacular scenery anywhere. If you have, then you know what a fantastic experience it is and will want to do it again and again. Join us in July for an epic adventure into the Sierra’s for either 4 or 5 days.

      The adventure will begin Thursday morning with a run up Hwy 395 to Mammoth Lakes. You could even work a half day and be there for dinner. Dinner will be at Toomey’s in Mammoth Village.

      On Friday we will head north to Hwy 120 which will take us over the tallest of the passes on this ride – Tioga Pass at 9.943’.

      Once over Tioga Pass into Yosemite National Park Riders you will have 2 options:

      Option 1 – drop down Big Oak Flat Rd into Yosemite Valley where there are great views of Half Dome and you will follow the Merced River on Hwy 140 to Mariposa where you will turn north on Hwy 49 through the foothills of the Sierra Nevada range.

      Option 2 – stay on Hwy 120 through Groveland and Big Oak Flat then continuing down New Priest Grade Rd to Hwy 49 where you will head north. 1.5 hour shorter than Option 1. There is a possibility of heavy traffic on this route that could slow progress.

      Both Groups will head north after leaving Yosemite on Hwy 49 to Jamestown and lunch at The Service Station. After lunch we will head north through Angels Camp before heading back into the Sierras on Hwy 26 which will drop us off on Hwy 88, Carson Pass Hwy near Pioneer.  Once over Carson Pass (8,573’) we will make a short trip up Hwy 89 to the top of Luther Pass at 7,735’. After topping our 3rd Sierra Pass of the day we will head east on Hwy 89 to Alpine just off the 88 where we will spend the night at the Woodfords Inn. Dinner in Markleeville that evening at Cutthroat Markleeville.

      Saturday morning, we will head out early across the 89 to the top of Monitor Pass at 8,321’. That is now 4 Passes and counting.

      From Monitor Pass we will head back down Hwy 89 to Hwy 4, Alpine Hwy, which will take us up and over Ebbetts Pass at 8,732’ and some of the most incredible twisties through magnificent scenery and past beautiful high mountain lakes. If you are still counting that is 5 Passes.

      We will head down the Alpine Hwy to Parrotts Ferry Rd (E18) and connect back up with Hwy 49 just north of Sonora. We will go through Sonora, head up Hwy 108 and stop for lunch at The Rock of Twain Harte in Twain Harte. After lunch we will head up into the Sierras on Hwy 108 which will take us up and over Sonora Pass at 9.624’ Once over Sonora Pass we will head south at Sonora Junction on Hwy 395 ending up in Bishop for the night. Dinner that night will be at Whiskey Creek which is only a block from the hotel.

      On Sunday, for those of you who need to be back to work on Monday morning you can head down 395 and be home at a reasonable hour. For the lucky ones that can add another day to their adventure we will head south on 395 to Big Pine where we will take a side trip up to the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest. Then back down to 395 and south to 9 Mile Road which will take us up to Kennedy Meadows where we will have lunch at Grumpy Bears. After lunch we will go up and over Sherman Pass at 9,140’, then wind our way down the Kern River to Kernville where we will spend Sunday night at the Kernville Inn. Cocktails on the lawn and dinner at That’s Italian. Count is now at 7 Passes.

      We will get an early start on Monday morning and should be home by noon. For those in Orange County you can take 178 over Walker Pass (5,246’) and increase your Pass count to 8. Then down to Hwy 14, over to 395 South and home. Those from the LA area can head down Caliente Bodfish Rd to Hwy 58 east to Tehachapi Willow Springs Rd and home.

      Please Join us for this epic trip to the Sierras!!!

      YOU MUST PURCHASE A PEAK HOUR DAY PASS TO ENTER YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK! THE PASSES ARE AVAILABLE AT . Click on PEAK HOUR PLUS RESERVATION. The pass is good for a 3 day period. You will need to book your reservation starting on Thursday, July 18 as the Friday reservation start date is sold out. Reservations are running out for and there are only 55 available NOW for July 18 start date. It is only $2.00 so if you have the slightest thought that you might go, spend the $2.00 to make sure you can get into Yosemite. If you don’t go it is only $2.00 lost.


      There is a $20.00 per motorcycle Admission Fee when entering Yosemite National Park unless you have the America The Beautiful Annual National Park Pass for 2024 ($80.00) or a National Park Pass such as the Lifetime Senior Pass ($80.00) or Senior Annual Pass ($20.00). If you do not have one of these passes we recommend you get one before the ride.

      Once you sign-up for the ride on the website you will be sent hotel information. You must contact the hotels in Mammoth, Bishop and Kernville directly and book your room as part of the South Coast BMW Riders Club group. Send me an email and request a room at the Woodfords Inn in Markleeville as I am making all the reservation directly with the hotel.

      There will be 3 meet-up locations for the ride:

      Starbucks –  Falconridge Town Center, 15270 Summit Ave, Fontana, CA 92336 at the Summit Ave Exit of I-15 just north of the 210

      Starbucks – 14136 US-395, Adelanto, CA 92301 – NW corner of 395 & Palmdale Road – this is for those spending Wednesday night in Victorville

      Starbucks –  19045 Golden Valley Rd., Santa Clarita, CA 91387 – Golden Valley exit from Hwy 14 – this is for those that live in the LA area and north.

      There are 2 groups leaving on Wednesday afternoon and spending the night in;

      Victorville – to shorten the ride on Thursday – contact [email protected].

      Kernville – also to shorten the ride on Thursday. It is only a 2 hour ride to our lunch spot in Lone Pine for Thursday. If interested contact [email protected].

      FYI – We currently have 21 bikes signed up for the ride. Don’t pass up this great ride!!

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      • #22880 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          WOW, Epic, Steve!  Well done.  I can’t wait.

        • #23002 Reply
          Randy van Vliet

            For the Gas fillup planners. The Short version of Fridays ride, Mammoth Lakes, CA, through Groveland, CA to Markleeville, CA is 269 miles. direct, no side trips. Mammoth Lakes fillup to Pioneer is 201 miles.

            The ride Saturday from Markleeville to Bishop, is 275 miles, so somewhere, people with smaller GS type fuel tanks will need to refuel along the way. Gas in Lee Vining is some of the most expensive, as well as Bridgeport, so maybe find a place to fill up somewhere on the west, near Sonora or Columbia?

            Some of the best prices for gas in Inyo County is at Fort Independence, about 4 miles north of the town of Independence, on the west side of 395.

            This is my first trip with the club. I was debating taking my 1250 GS or my 1250 RT. I’m thinking a 6.6 gallon tank is preferred to a 5.25 gallon tank, for the range. The GSA guys have it made with 7.9 gallons.

          • #23006 Reply
            Steve Leo

              All of your concerns have been addressed in the planning for this ride. We have gas stops scheduled taking into consideration ALL the bikes and their tank sizes – even those bikes that only get 170 or so miles per tank. These are all shown on the GPX files which will be posted in the next day or 2. We also have lunch stops scheduled along with some spectacular scenery stops.

              There is no gas stop in Bridgeport. We do have a gas stop in Lee Vining but it is only a top off stop. Should not be a big fill for most bikes.


            • #23011 Reply
              Randy van Vliet

                Is anyone from the Group going to be riding up highway 14 and meeting up at Starbucks In Newhall on Thursday Morning. I’m Granada Hills.  Just checking to see because if not, I’ll set my own departure time, probably earlier in the morning to beat the heat, then relax longer up at Mammoth Lakes, or places on the way up.

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