Requirements for Rides to Qualify for Mileage

Requirements for Rides to Qualify for Mileage

Forums Calendar Events Requirements for Rides to Qualify for Mileage

  • Creator
  • #14809 Reply
    John Crittenden

      To clarify, for a ride to count toward the Mileage Contest:

      =====Must be posted on the Calendar at least two weeks before the scheduled date (but preferably more).   Any Board Member can put the ride on the Calendar, just let one of us know the data and it will be done.                   This is so any Club member has a chance to participate with some notice.

      =====The ride has to have at least two members, meaning bikes, not a rider and a passenger.

      =====If this is a Club ride–i.e. on the Calendar—we  need to have the Release/Waiver signed by all participants at the beginning of the ride.   The form is in the Club Documents topic.

      =====Anyone can lead/put together a ride.  However, although I can’t think of any reason why this might be needed, the ride is subject to approval by the Board.    Just to cover this base.

      Hope this clarifies.   If you  have any questions, ask one of the BOD peoples.

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    • Author
      • #14831 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Well done John. Thanks for putting this out there again.

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