Range of Light Gypsy Tour Sept 1-4

Range of Light Gypsy Tour Sept 1-4

Forums Calendar Events Range of Light Gypsy Tour Sept 1-4

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  • #6180 Reply
    Bill Allen

      Anyone thinking about doing this?
      I’ve done this a few times and it has always been a lot of fun. Starting off, participants only know the location of the camp out on Friday night. This year it’s the Calaveras County Fairground. When you arrive, you will get the location and directions to Saturday night’s campsite. When you arrive at that site on Saturday, you get the location and directions to the campsite for Sunday night. In between, it’s about 300 miles (each day) of lovely back roads, many of which I’ve never ridden. It’s amazing how little traffic I see considering it’s Labor Day weekend.

      Anyway, I’m thinking about participating this year.

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