November 5th General Meeting

November 5th General Meeting

Forums Calendar Events November 5th General Meeting

  • Creator
  • #17864 Reply
    Sergio Collazo

      November general meeting will be held at Farmhouse 78 in scenic Santa Ysabel.  This is a popular destination among car and motorcycle groups.  Their menu is amazing and their food is highly rated.  We will have a ride after the meeting that orients us in up north.

      10-24-22 UPDATE
      We will meet-up at Irv Seaver for a 9:20AM KSU.  PLEASE arrive by 9AM.  Due to reservations and planned meet-up (rally points), we will depart promptly at 9:20AM.

      Basic plan is as follows:

      1. Depart Irv Seaver @9:20AM (sharp), 57S to 5S, Exit to 74E (Ortega)
      2. Rally point #1:  Lake Elsinore Market (Corner of Rt 74 and Grand Ave)
      3. Right on Grand Ave to RT 15S,
      4. Exit 58 to 79S; Temecula Pkwy to rally point #2 (Chevron in Temcula SB RT79)
      5. 79S to Farmhouse 78 in Santa Ysabela

      We have reserved the patio for 12;30PM  lunch and need to confirm headcount.  Please be sure to register so that we can communicate total headcount to the restaurant.

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    • Author
      • #17868 Reply
        Eric Wolf

          Good job Sergio!  I’m looking forward to it.

        • #17870 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Sergio just in case someone wants to meet along the route the 74 exit is EAST not west. West takes you to PCH and the ocean. Likewise in Temecula you want 79 EAST not west. East goes toward Warner Springs then on to Santa Ysabel and the Farmhouse 78.

          • #17873 Reply
            Sergio Collazo

              Sergio just in case someone wants to meet along the route the 74 exit is EAST not west. West takes you to PCH and the ocean. Likewise in Temecula you want 79 EAST not west. East goes toward Warner Springs then on to Santa Ysabel and the Farmhouse 78.

              well noted Bill.  74 needs to go East.  However 79 needs to go South.  Thanks for catching that.
              detailed route plans will be emailed to those that registered in a few days
            • #17938 Reply
              Bill Allen

                Sergio just in case someone wants to meet along the route the 74 exit is EAST not west. West takes you to PCH and the ocean. Likewise in Temecula you want 79 EAST not west. East goes toward Warner Springs then on to Santa Ysabel and the Farmhouse 78.

                well noted Bill. 74 needs to go East. However 79 needs to go South. Thanks for catching that.
                detailed route plans will be emailed to those that registered in a few days
                Bill R can be a pain in the a$$, can’t he?
              • #17940 Reply
                Pete Rissman

                  Here are GPX files for Saturday’s November 5th General Meeting ride that are created and optimized for Garmin GPSs including the Navigator V and VI.


                • #17967 Reply
                  Eric Wolf

                    So much fun!!  Great ride, yummy food, and super friends. Thanks South Coasters for a memorable day.

                    Sergio, you set a really high bar. Great job!

                  • #17968 Reply
                    Sergio Collazo

                      As the day comes to a close, I would like reflect on the fact that today was a great day made possible by good health, provision and wonderful club members that all came together for fellowship, spirited riding and a good meal.  Thank you all for making the time and effort to gather as friends.

                      Now, about the Christmas party….. please sign up asap 😉






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