Mt. Laguna Weekend Friday Night and Update

Mt. Laguna Weekend Friday Night and Update

Forums Calendar Events Mt. Laguna Weekend Friday Night and Update

  • Creator
  • #3021 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Our plan is to have a Pot Luck Barbecue Friday evening. We will supply charcoal and some grilling tools, plates, utensils, napkins.

      Bring whatever you would like to grill for yourselves, and for the Pot Luck, let Beth know (through me) if you would like to bring:

      1) Appetizer
      2) Salad
      3) Side Dish
      4) Dessert

      Each room has its own refrigerator (small one), and I the Meeting Hall has 2 large ones.

      Please let me know as a Reply here, or you can email me at [email protected] I am also sending out an email to all on this.

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    • Author
      • #3087 Reply
        John Crittenden

          If you haven’t already let Beth and/or I know about Friday evening, please do so! Thanks.

          We are all set for Saturday night dinner, and there will be music, dancing if you like, till 9 p.m. As a forewarning, we will be responsible for our own drinks, whether it be soft drinks, coffee, wine, beer, etc.). The restaurant is about 1/4 mile from the lodge, an easy walk.

          Beth and I will be at the Lodge by 2 pm Friday, and we’ll have a table set up, likely with the room keys and shirts for those who haven’t received them yet.

          Looking forward to seeing 50+ of us SCers!

        • #3089 Reply
          Richard Catarineau

            I’m bringing Tres Leches cake from Portos.
            I hope there’s some left by the time I get there.

          • #3091 Reply
            David Omlor

              Mike Pirosh and I are looking for any riders from the Lake Forest are who may want to join for a leisurely ride to Laguna Mountain Friday. We plan to leave the intersection of Oso Parkway and Antonio around 9 or 10, head our Ortega through Murrieta and Temecula taking the 76 and 79 to S1 to the Lodge. Of course, we will stop in Julian for lunch!
              This a the tentative route:
              If there are others with similar or even different plans, please reply!

              Happy Fathers Day all,
              – David

            • #3092 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                Hey David, if you don’t mind a slow couple tagging along Karen and I would like to join you. 10 am start sounds good.
                One question, you say Oso & Antonio but I don’t see them crossing. Did you mean Crown Valley & Antonio maybe at the Arco station ??

              • #3093 Reply
                David Omlor

                  We would be delighted to have Karen, and you too, join us 🙂

                  The Oso exit is one exit before the Crown Valley exit if you are traveling south on I-5.

                  26302 Oso Pkwy, Mission Viejo, CA 92691

                  There is a Chevron station on the southwest corner – and a Starbucks, etc in the strip mall.

                  Stay cool!
                  – David

                • #3094 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Ahhh Starbucks, I should have known their would be one close after all this is a South Coasters gathering. 😄

                    Are we meeting at the Chevron or Oso & Antonio ?? I’m sooo confused.

                  • #3095 Reply
                    David Omlor

                      Bill…again: The Chevron station is on the southwest corner of Oso and Antonio. On the corner of.
                      So, Yes we are meeting at the Chevron AND Oso & Antonio.

                      If you think you’re confused now, just wait ’til we get to Julian and you need to decide on which pie to get for dessert!

                      • #3116 Reply
                        Mark Borgeson

                          David – If Cindy and I promise to behave, can we join the Lake forest group?

                      • #3097 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          Sharon and I will be taking a leisurely ride from the South Bay starting mid-day Friday and getting in before dark, looking forward to this weekend! (is it really only 8am Monday morning???)

                        • #3117 Reply
                          Bill Reitz

                            June 25 & 26 is Julian Gold Rush Days so it might be “a little crowded” in the mountains. Here is a website with more info:

                          • #3118 Reply
                            David Omlor

                              Hi Mark – it will be great to have you in our traveling band of gypsies!

                            • #3119 Reply
                              Paul Nelson

                                Greetings Commander Omlor, (ok ride leader Omlor) Gale and I would like to join in the band of merry makers. See you at Cherron, cool vest at the ready! Paul and Gale

                              • #3120 Reply
                                David Omlor

                                  Now we are talking PARTY ! YEA !

                                • #3121 Reply
                                  John Crittenden

                                    Beth and I might see you all in Julian, although we might be there a tad earlier. Have a great trip up for this Epic Weekend!

                                  • #3122 Reply
                                    Larry Troffer

                                      Trish and I were in an accident on Mesa Grande yesterday at 3 pm on our way to Julian with Danny/Elaine and Steve/Jan. In a tight uphill turn when a tractor-trailer rig came around the corner occupying both lanes. We avoided collision and I stopped the bike, but it fell over. I walked away without a scratch. Trish suffered a dislocated elbow and two fractures in the same arm. Treated at Palomar Med Center. Came home this morning at 1:00. Doc said she needs surgery on elbow. She’s doing okay right now. Danny, Steve, Jan and Elaine were awesome in managing the accident scene and helping with first aid till paramedics arrived.

                                    • #3123 Reply
                                      David Omlor

                                        Sooo sorry to see this post, but happy that you and Trish escaped greater injury. Please let Trish know were will be missing her and thinking of her and we are all available to help any way you need.

                                      • #3124 Reply
                                        Bill Reitz

                                          Karen & I send prayers for Trish. If you need anything….

                                        • #3128 Reply
                                          Bill Reitz

                                            Got home at 2pm, what an epic South Coasters weekend ! Many thanks to Beth, John, Sharon, & Karl for their hard work, it showed and payed off. Also thanks to everyone that put together the fascinating Saturday rides !!!!

                                            What’s next ??

                                          • #3129 Reply
                                            John Crittenden

                                              Larry and Trish, we missed you two mightily!

                                            • #3130 Reply
                                              Mark Borgeson

                                                Larry & Trish,
                                                Trish is in our prayers for a quick and speedy recovery. Been there. Let us know if you need anything.
                                                Mark & Cindy

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