MOA Getaway, Cambria Ca, 5/17-19/2019

MOA Getaway, Cambria Ca, 5/17-19/2019

Forums Calendar Events MOA Getaway, Cambria Ca, 5/17-19/2019

  • Creator
  • #9312 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      MOA has planned an MOA Getaway weekend in Cambria, May, 2019! Check out the calendar link or the website below:

      This is a bit of a pampered hotel resort in beautiful Cambria and is a great launching point for riding!

      If you are even considering going to this event, you may want to reserve a room now to avoid overbooking.

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    • Author
      • #9333 Reply

          Thanks Karl. I have made my reservations.

          I booked into 2-Queen Superior Room, it’s a cottage with patio with easy access as it is on ground level, and most recently renovated. Regular Rate is $219, and AAA is $197.

          BMWMOA reserved a block on Regular 1-King room at a rate of $179. No discount, just a block reserved. It is on a 2 story building with no patio and you would have to access 2nd floor through stairwell.

        • #9993 Reply
          Eric Wolf

            Karl, Bikram, others?,
            I’m reengaging this conversation. Do you know who, how many are interested in going. I’m considering it.

          • #9994 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Hey Eric,

              Only from this string as it has not made it to the Ride List yet. Therefore just at you noted as far as I know.

              Anyone else?

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